Contact IR

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    Metalfrio Solutions S.A.
    Avenida Abrahão Gonçalves Braga, nº 412
    Vila Livieiro – São Paulo – Brazil
    Phone: (+5511) 2627-9171
    Fax: (+5511) 2627-9196

    Luiz Eduardo Moreira Caio
    President and Investor Relations Director


    Any questions not related to analysts and investors must be directed to Metalfrio’s Contact Form

    Shareholder services are available for Metalfrio shareholders at all branches of Banco Itaú S.A., whose head office is located at Praça Alfredo Egydio de Souza Aranha, nº 100, Torre Itaúsa, São Paulo, SP. The shareholder services department of Banco Itaú can be contacted by phone: (0xx11) 5029-1919, fax: (0xx11) 5029-1917 or email: